Thursday, 12 January 2012

How to Make a Dope Ass Blog

If you're reading this blog, it is probably because you are a blogger yourself and have for long wondered what ways you can go about making your blog more "dope ass". Fortunately for you, finding this blog of mine is probably one of the most beneficial things you could have ever done, as my blog is without a doubt one of the most dope ass blogs on the internet. For this first post, I'll be walking you through the most essential steps you need to follow if you want your blog to hang with the big boys. In later posts, we will dive into more complex techniques as well as the philosophies behind what exactly it means for your blog to be "dope ass".

The very first thing you should do before you even begin to make your blog, is to have some serious warnings pop-up when people try to access it. This is going to be one dope ass blog, and not everyone can handle that. By throwing up these warnings, you will be doing a favour to anyone who might potentially explode at the first sight of such an intense blog.

So you've warned people that they're probably about to see a pretty dope ass blog, now you've got to put your money where your mouth is and deliver. It's time for first impressions, and you have to make your mark. You need to hit the reader with such a powerful dose of dopeness that it sends shivers down their spine. And nothing cries "dope" more than opening a page and being instantly greeted by the sound of Kanyeezy. I can't stress enough how important it is that you follow this step. I've lost count of how many times I've seen a blog that had tons of potential, yet lacked the thumping beats of Power in the background to bring it to the next level.

Now before you go off running to make your own blog, there are a few other tips you should know. Two words, SPACE BACKGROUND. Not only will this greatly enhance your blog's intensity, but it will also represent how your blog is the centre of the universe. If space backgrounds aren't your thing, it's probably best you back out of the blog business now. Finally, make sure you post a few images of people doing some rad dancing on the side of your page. When finding these images, try to find ones that show how a person would likely react after seeing your blog. 

If you follow these tips, you should be well on your way to owning your very own dope ass blog. If you want to make sure your blog continues to improve and remains dope ass, be sure to keep checking back for some upcoming advanced tips.